Tag: iskcon

Posted in Bhakti ISKCON Krishna

What is Renunciation?

India is known for its wandering sadhus & fakirs, and for the caste system. The sadhus are…

Posted in Bhakti ISKCON Krishna

Japa – Taming the Senses

The idea behind this post came from a question asked on the Desire Tree forums. A user…


A collection of image galleries. Enter each gallery and, as always, click the thumbnail for a larger…

Posted in Bhakti ISKCON Krishna Your Humble Narrator

How I Found ISKCON

1st Meeting My very first introduction to ISKCON was not particularly positive. I was in 9th grade,…

Posted in Guru ISKCON Tukaram Your Humble Narrator

Getting my name Tukaram Das

Let’s start with a couple definitions. A siksa-guru is any guru (or advanced devotee) that gives you…

Downloads and Links

The downloads are some various information that took me far too many years to find, and I…

What is a guru?

A GURU IS A TEACHER. In most serious fields of endeavor, when we become serious about learning…

What is Reincarnation?

“As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts newmaterial bodies,…

Vegetarianism & Beyond

Eating is the most universal of all human rituals. When it is breakfast time in New York,…

Srila Prabhupada Biography

His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna…